The most important aspect of my life is my commitment to personal development, truth-telling, and healing, and because of that commitment, the man I am today is much different than the man from my twenties. From the ages of 20-28, I lived a life of debauchery and cared very little about those in my path who were harmed as a result of my lifestyle choices. I cared very little for the "law" and had accepted that I would likely not live to see the age of thirty.
All of that changed in 2014 when I was arrested in Shakopee, MN for a fight in a bar, a fight that I instigated while under the influence of alcohol. It was not the arrest that changed me. I had been arrested many times before. It was not the subsequent jail time that changed me. I had spent many other days and nights behind bars. It was the judge who took my case who showed me a path where I could change myself. He ordered that I spend the next three years of my life under probation with a pending felony. The way out? Go through treatment to become sober and then continue to live a sober lifestyle. Complete anger management. Spend three years experiencing the day-to-day impact of a felony--on employment, housing, civic engagement, etc.
I did not waste the chance afforded me. I completed treatment in the spring of 2014 and moved into a sober home in the North End community of St. Paul, MN, where I lived for the following year. Like many others who share the recovery journey, my story has unfolded one day at a time, and for the past ten years, I have committed to my own personal growth and healing--one day at a time, sometimes one moment at a time.
Today, I am the proud co-owner of No Luck Club Sober Living LLC, a company that I launched with Collin Riley, my business partner and best friend who I met in court-remanded treatment. Every day I work with men in the No Luck Club and Jesse's Place sober houses to remind them that their recovery is not based on luck, rather it is based on hard work, accountability, and community. Doing that work every day provides me the support and accountability I need to continue my own recovery journey and healing.
It is a well known fact that 4 out of 5 people who begin recovery will relapse within the first year. Of the twenty percent who make it though year one, only half of those make it to year two. While my road to recovery has included episodes of relapse, I am proud to have been on the journey for ten years. If you are reading this bio and are embarking on your own recovery journey, I invite you to consider allowing No Luck Club Sober Living to be a part of your story. If I can make it out, so can you. Welcome to the No Luck Club.